Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The One Year Mark

Last month , was bound to come. It was the one year mark of having our sweet son Cash. We took him flowers and planted a plant in the garden at the cemetary. Matt and I tried to stay positive. We talked about the good that came from having our angel baby only for a short time. This Last year has truly done nothing but break my heart. I seem to be fully aware of every mile stone I would have had , had my son lived.....first smile, first giggle......I have truly been struggling. Wondering why God did not spare him...these will be questions that will never be answered on earth. But I am hopeful for what tomorrow bring....changes for the better. That by using this blog, my son can still be alive in your hearts.

Love Cash's Momma

Monsanto Protection Act. Why You should be outraged!

The food we eat directly affect you and your unborn child......prior to your pregnancy!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Yesterday I was Expecting........

August 19, 2012 was the day we were told to expet our son. Our first born. Our new chapter in life. knowing good and well that my son was going to come when he was darn good and ready. :) I was picturing my self in a hospital bed snuggling my new born, with my Matt by my side sharing our joy. But this is not how my day went. My day started with a soggy reminder of tears on my cheeks, empty arms, and an aching heart. I would not wake to my sons cries, laughs, or sweet face. I woke up a bereaved mother. Matt and I cut fresh flowers from our yard to take to our son. We got to the Cemetary, as I layed over my sons grave, I found myself pleading with God again...with that torturing question of "WHY ???".
After visiting with family for the evening i slowly pulled out of my tantrum with God.....started to see the blessings i STILL have! I wonder what could have been, but I still claim victory walking with Christ....My Ultimate Goal Is to help educate other people about enviromental effects on womens reproductive health and utero, and to tell my Sons story!

Please Share Cash's Story!

Much Love

Cash's Mom

Monday, July 23, 2012

8 months

Yesterday i would have been 8 months pregnant with my sweet baby boy. the 14th will be 5 months since i had him. As time goes on, it amazes me how he is still soo fresh in my mind.Those moments I got to hold him were truly such a gift from God. So many people were praying for us and We did feel each prayers. Yes sometimes I find myself feeling as if I failed at being a mother, or that i somehow robbed matt of having a son.... these thoughts are untrue and irrelevant. Overall I am soo thankful for all who supported us thru this walk and also the people who still do!

Much love!

Cash's Mom

Please Share and Pass on Cash Lawrence Remicks Story!